Frequently Asked Questions

What is your minimum order amount?

There is no minimum order required.

How much is shipping?

Shipping within Canada is free over $1000 CAD and will be applied automatically. All other shipping is determined by your address, using live rates.

When will my orders be shipped?

Orders placed will take approximately 7-10 business days to be shipped, with varying shipping times. Please allow extra time for custom orders, galaxy line items and overseas shipping.

What is your jewelry made from?

All of our jewelry is made from ASTM-F136 implant grade titanium. We offer mill certificates which are linked below.

Product Certification

How do I order custom pieces?

To order a custom piece, email your detailed drawings, including sizes and colors, to

Custom pieces may be subject to additional service fees.

How is your jewelry threaded?

All of our threaded jewelry is internally threaded.

What does my discount apply to?

Your discount codes will apply to all items excluding:

  • Any item in a 'series'
  • Curved Navel Barbells
  • Displays
  • Collections
  • New Items

'Series' Disclaimer

Each piece featured in a series is handmade, crafted with care and attention to detail. Although we strive to make each piece consistent, slight variations may/will occur and are not considered a defect.

What are your gems made of?

We have two types of gems, Cubic Zirconia and Nanogem. For more detailed information, please email:

What are your cabochons made of?

We have two types of opals, synthetic (80% Silica, 20% Resin) and imitation (25% Silica, 75% Resin). For more detailed information, please email: